Akal Academy Pawen is most Prestigious school in district Hoshiarpur. It is a Non-Profit Charitable Institute run by The Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib. This Academy was established on 10 Dec, 2012. The first session was started on April, 2013 with the diligent staff members. This plant was planted by Sant Baba Iqbal Singh Ji, in which the students of 38 villages are getting value based education. This campus is situated near Dasuya on Jalandhar, Pathankot National Highway. Academic Area is around 16 Kanals and 2 Marla in village Pawen (Jhinger Kalan). It is divided aesthetically in Three floors.
Akal Academy Pawen, Hoshiarpur was established in 10 Dec, 2012 under the aegis of Baba Iqbal Singh Ji, President of the Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib. It is a Secondary co-educational day boarding-cum-residential school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi (CBSE).
Life in Akal Academy Pawen focus on commitment to academic excellence, intellectual growth, arts athletics, high standards of ethical awareness, sportsmanship, and community service. Novelty and variety are added to each students life by the schools countless efforts and accessibility to a board curriculum based on value based education.
.Four smart board classrooms are equipped with multiple display monitors and big screens, which are digitally connected to the knowledge centre. Through the knowledge centre excellent teaching resources such as animation clips, videos, pictures, diagrams and working models etc are brought straight in all the classrooms for a better interactive learning experience
Students have accessibility to a well equipped and stocked library with a variety of books, magazines, periodicals and newspapers.
The language Development Program supports students to remove their hesitation and improve pronunciation that the child may have in speaking a language. This program is designed to help the students have confidence when they speak with fluency.
To enhance the learning ability and skills and impart practical exposure about theoretical concepts, the school has a modern laboratory systems including:- Composite Lab
This school provides amenities like picking and dropping facility and infrastructure inspite of the rural area locality of this school. It provides education to be a life long process which provides a strong foundation to students for future. The goal of the institute is to inculcate a love of learning, humanity, devotion among the students. The school also aims at equipping the students with intellectual and practical skills those are essential to meet the challenges of future.
A contemporary school based on faith and traditions. All Rights Reserved.
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